Monday, September 26, 2011

Here are some pictures

This woman is a church member at the {pig farm church}. As she was leaving the church service, she told me to get on her bike and go home with her, ha. After packing up the van, the pastor asked us to follow him through the rice fields to a woman's house to encourage her, because she lives alone and may be kicked out of her house soon. Lo and behold, it was this sweet lady! I told her that I ended up coming home with her afterall. We were able to pray for her and assist her pastor in letting her know that she is loved and cared for by both God and her fellow believers.

I met some Brahmas between two kilns in the brick factory. You can see how long the giant kilns are by how far away the door is in the background. The workers were basically slaves to the brick manager until these kilns were filled with handmade bricks. They repeat the process daily of getting the clay, forming and fireing the bricks, and filling the kilns with the bricks. They had a quota of 10,000 bricks per day.

Heading to the {boat church} yesterday with some help from a church member. An elderly woman shared her testimony of having restless nights if she did not go to the Buddhist temple for a blessing from the monks each day. She said that now she has peace in Jesus Christ, the true God. She couldn't finish everything she wanted to say through being overcome with emotion. What a beautiful faith.

Today, we were able to visit the Cambodian Baptist Bible College in Phenom Penh. Here my dad, Cambodian teammate, and I are standing with the president of the school. It is a holiday in Cambodia this week, celebration of the dead. So the school was empty; however, we were able to meet the president who happened to be walking by. The school has sixty students at a time. We got to talk about the classes they offer *hermeneutics!* and tour the campus. Very encouraging.

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